Reflection, Uncategorized

Beginning of the Digital Journey

In a blink of an eye, it’s the end of the learning journey but start of my ever active digital presence on the web. At the start, i self assessed myself regarding the digital literacy and later assessed myself again and attained slightly different results. Read on to know what has been the learning outcomes and what are my future plans!


Source: Google Image


I find myself to be a Digital Resident, contributing to the web through my various social media platforms like Sharing, Twitting and Instagram-ing. In addition, Tumblr and many  other social media platforms are constantly being updated. Anyway, you get the idea!


Source: My Facebook Profile


My Facebook profile is a personal page whereby i communicate and socialize with my friends. My potential employers would not find anything professional to sell myself here. However, they would definitely know more about me here through my ‘shares’.


Source: My Instagram Page


Also, my Instagram page is very personal especially my daily updates of ‘Stories’. Through this, people will know more a lot better than my Facebook as this platform is where I frequent the most.


Souce: My Personal Twitter Page

My Twitter page used to be frequently used to express my daily thoughts on the latest trends, news and events happening around the world. After going through this module, my Twitter page is definitely going to be more updated from now onwards!


Main Takeaways:

Source: University of Derby from Youtube 


Since the start of MANG2049, the Intro post made me ponder about which category am i situated in. I found out that i am leaning towards being a Digital Resident as i contribute contents, opinions and ideas to the web.



Self-Produced from



which topic made me excited_
Source: Self-Produced from



Household who purchase inexpensive, unhealthy food to feed their family
Source: Self-Produced through


The before & after the module ratings which clearly shows that I’ve improved in all aspects.  The MOOC from FutureLearn increased my exposure to participate in online communities, collaborate with others and build online networks around an area of interest. Thus, the ratings went up!


Source: FutureLearn 2017 



LAWOTW Digital Differences
Source: Self-Produced from


The first topic definitely deepen my insights and extended my knowledge. We were tasked to evaluate on our digital differences that impacted on our learning. It gave me extensive knowledge on what differences different people from different parts of the world face. However, I concentrated on Singapore’s digital accessibility to concentrate on my digital differences. For me, I feel that education level, digital literacy, social context and motivation are keys to my learning. Others may argue that motivation is only key that impact your learning as having the drive and determination overcomes any obstacles. But, I beg to differ on this. I’m still sticking on my opinion.


Source: My Professional Twitter Page


I have created a different Twitter Profile solely for professional and networking purposes. My overall digital literacy have improved. In addition, certain elements such as building online networks have drastically improved after this module.


Linked in
Source: My Linkedin Page


Initially, i did not have a Linked in account. But since the module ended, I have created professional profiles for networking such as Linkedin to build rapport with people for job opportunities. Creating this would increase my presence on this platform and also to build networks among people.

Apart from learning about my level of digital literacy through the module, I gained valuable experience and many practice to create info-graphics and aesthetically pleasing presentation. (Look through my previous topics for my self-produced graphics!)



My Future Plans:


Source: Self-Produced from


Personally, I feel I have to keep up with the emerging culture of reliance on digital networks to build rapport with people in the industry I want to enter. Utilizing more of digital tools to assist me in my everyday work will be be a good practice. I took up multiple identities on the web however, I did not utilize professional networking platforms such as Linkedin before thus, there is no distinct difference from personal and professional profiles. Creating a professional profile will lead certain important networks or potential employers to gain more valuable information about me through that platform. Leading them to the personal page may not be a great help to them to know my expertise and level of competency.  Creating a separate user to portray my professional side would be effective in conveying the message to my newly-built networks.

Also, I have to utilize more Open Access data bases such as Google Drive  to provide more convenience for both parties to send information for networking purposes. The future is technology. Jobs and labor is being cancelled out due to the increasing efficiency and reliability of technology. Thus, focusing more on these aspect is vital to thrive in the digital field.




The module has been a stepping stone and foundation for me to fully understand the digital world. It deepen my insights to my levels of digital literacy. An additional skill i acquired was the creation of info-graphics to better present the content. It definitely made me plan out the tasks to be more proficient and smarter in the digital world.





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MANG2049, Topic 3, Uncategorized

Identity Thoughts


This topic deepen my understanding the single identity and multiple identities. In addition, comparing and contrast of the identities. Keep reading to know more about what I’ve learnt.








I’ve learnt that Shanelle has multiple identities on the web for different purposes. “I have effectively created multiple online identities for myself. Some identities exist beyond the reach of Google. For example, My activities on reddit are anonymous”. I feel that most people would practice this habit just like Shanelle and I. “Digital identity is an expression of yourself, and are part of communities that you choose to reveal yourself to”.

Shihying pointed out that the profiles represent who you are in real life. Thus, we share the same sentiments on this topic whereby multiple identities are not inauthentic but to show people the different sides of us.



Also, Bernard and I had a discussion on my blog post. He asked for my opinion on employers screening potential employees’ social media profiles if it would reduce professionalism and affecting your chances of getting a job. I felt that being authentic/real is the most important as employers want your true self.




Yes, Employers might be looking for certain characteristics in their potential employees. however, things may go sour when you turn out different. You may be seen as ‘fake’.


To me, people who adopt a single identity on the web has to private/censor certain posts to look professional. Differentiating these posts can be a hassle as one have to make many adjustments to the profiles. My stand on this have not changed after reading colleagues’ blog posts.




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Comments Made:




MANG2049, Topic 3, Uncategorized

How Do We Portray Ourselves in the Digital World?


To begin with, Alex Schoof gave a TED talk 2015 about what defines digital identity from 0:00 – 3:10 . Also, he touched on the dangers of having a single identity from 5:08 – 6:20. He states that many websites are offering the services of users logging into their Facebook accounts and connecting with the website they want to access. This is convenient however, we risk bringing your identity from one site to another. So what is the pros and cons of having single or multiple identities?


Source: Future Learn (2017)



Source: Future Learn (2017)




Source: Future Learn (2017)



Facebook profiles and Google IDs are tied to a person’s real name and real connections, and increasingly to their activities across cyberspace (Krotoski, A 2012). To me, even having a single identity can be inauthentic.  “I would not call what you have on Facebook ‘authentic’ identity” (Poole, C 2012). Users can give fake names and information about themselves. Verifying those millions of information would almost seem impossible. Thus, i beg to differ on the one disadvantage that the course have presented. Identities necessarily change as a person ages, learns, and moves around in the world. (Hoffman, A; Haimson, O 2016).


Self – Produced on


Having multiple online identities is more normal than you think (Lee, N 2016). I personally use Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and WordPress. In this modern age, most would have many accounts on the different social media platforms or even multiple accounts on a single social media platform. Do you have more than one identity on the web like me? Let me know in the comments section if you have different thoughts from me!



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MANG2049, Topic 2, Uncategorized

Reflection “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Source: Self-Produced on
Source: Self-Produced on


After many discussions and exchanging thoughts with my friends, It has definitely helped me broaden my views on the topic. Please do carry on reading to find out my learning points.



Google Image 


Bernard Low –  We discussed about each other’s habits when it comes to sourcing for reliable and credible information. We both agreed that Wikipedia is not a good site to get your information however, i firmly believe it is a good site to gain information on a foundation level to get an idea of the topic we are researching on. In addition, we both agree that fake news should be banned and investigated when reported about it.




Google Image

Google Image


Timothy Chong – We discussed mainly about Singapore’s media  and whether or not citizens are caught in a filter bubble. The younger generations have the skills as they are tech-savvy. But, the older folks who have no information literacy skills may be affected. Timothy’s reply was elaborate as to why citizens are not caught in the filter bubble. He feels that regulations are needed to control what is told to citizens. This is to avoid talking about religion or race over air is in place to preserve harmonious beginnings.



Source: Self-Produced from

Berners Lee, T (2017), The system is failing


Marianne Tan – “Individuals need to be aware of the rising risk of computational propaganda. We need to break out of our filter bubbles, source out factual information and identify censorship and propaganda.” I strongly agree with her on this matter. People may be caught in a filter bubble due to censorship and propaganda which many people may not realise.



Comments Made:







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MANG2049, Topic 2

Is the Information Reliable or Fake? How do you assess the reliability/quality of information on the web?

Source: Self Produced & from Metzger, (2007)
Source: Self-produced & information from Metzger, (2007)



Source: Self-Produced & from


Media Literacy is essential to assess information quality on the web. However, i feel that it is important to a certain extent. It is the first step and first of many skills to be able to assess information thoroughly. Data and information literacy provides a wholesome approach to assessing information quality.

“Critical thinking and conscious processing of information are important components of media literacy.” Ashley, S (2013)

Emphasized the importance of accessing, interpreting, critically assessing, managing, handling, and ethically using data. This definition closely links data literacy and information literacy together. Koltay, T,  (2015)



Fake apple
Source: Self-Produced


Fake apple
Source: My Email


Recently, i am a victim of “fake news” or a scam. Obviously, it is false and unreliable. Apple would not have an email address of that sort. Thus, this requires media literacy to evaluate if information or news are accurate.


Source: Google

Click baits are everywhere. The news are rumored and not confirmed by the football clubs. So, sometimes it is hard to believe everything on the web.  Information is often confusing and mislead. Future Learn, (2017)



Web evaluation must be realistic in its expectations of users by recognizing that motivation is a key ingredient in users’ willingness to undertake extensive effort
to verify the credibility of information they find online. Metzger, (2007).  Personally, i feel that “google-ing” information is insufficient for people to have a vast knowledge. It could lead to inaccurate information thus, i would find multiple resources from open-libraries and journals to cross-reference the information to be sure it is accurate.

Source: Metzger, (2007)


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